Architecture fund recommends - colloquium vilnensis

Architecture Funf recommends not to miss the last Colloquium Vilnensis meeting this semester on the 11th February 2013!
Martynas Jakulis will present his ideas on role hospitals played in everyday life as well as in urban space of Vilnius.
Colloquium Vilnensis is a new space of shared interdisciplinary discussion on issues related to the past, presence and future of the region. This semester we will focus on cities as shared and contested spaces. We would like to invite you and your colleagues to EHU for a regular monday colloquium to develop a deeper understanding of the theoretical framework of our work and discuss recent research projects. Furthermore it might be a space to bringt together scholars from different backgrounds, cultures and generations.
The colloquium is held in English (EN) or Russian (RU), on Mondays at 17.30, Tauro g. 12 / 207
12.10.01 Olga Shparaga Vilnius Minsk: Shared urban Spaces? Philosophical Approaches towards Communal Spaces (EN)
12.10.08 Arnold Bartezky Leipzig: Reconstruction as nation-buildung. Joint participation in the Conference at Institute of Lithuanian History (EN)
12.10.15 Siarhei Liubimau Vilnius Minsk: Laboratory in action: What is 'critical' in critical urbanism today? (EN)
12.10.22 Ekaterina Lavrinec Vilnius: Practices and the Transformation of Urban Spaces: The case of Lukiskes square (RU)
12.10.29 Sierhiy Tereshchenko Lviv: Mapping Urban History. The Urban Maps Digital Project (EN)
12.11.05 Alexander Brakel Vilnius / Berlin: Under Red Crescent and Svastika: Baranowicze under Soviet and German Occupation 1939–44 (RU)
12.11.12 Martynas Valevičius Vilnius: Light in the City: The history of a piece of art (EN)
12.11.19 Felix Ackermann Vilnius / Berlin: In the Centre of the urban Society: The link between religion, nationality and surveillance in the Lukiskes prison (EN)
12.11.29 Florian Wüst Berlin: Urban and Political Transformations in Europe: Film screening of the contemporary art study center (EN)
12.12.03 Elena Trubina Vilnius / Moscow: Making sense of the Extraordinary: Mega events and the transformation of public space in the Russian Federation (RU)
12.12.10 Dionizas Bajarūnas Vilnius / Kaunas: The right for the city: Participation and regional conflicts (EN)
12.12.17 Stsiapan Stureika Minsk Vilnius: The transformation of cultural landscapes: Belarusian towns preparing for the official republican "Dazynki" harvest celebration (RU)
13.01.07 Martynas Jakulis Vilnius: More than Poor Relief? Vilnius and its Hospitals in 16-18th Centuries. (EN)
13.01.14 Darius Staliūnas Vilnius: Pogroms in tsarist Lithuania in a comparative context (RU)
13.01.21 Vasilijus Safronovas Klaipeda: Symbolic Appropriation of a East-Prussian City after 1945: Klaipėda, Kaliningrad, Olsztyn (RU)
13.01.28 Aliaksej Makhnach Minsk/Vilnius: Underway: Changing concepts of Rurality and Urbanity among
Soviet-Belarusian Ethnographers in the 1920s and 1930s (RU)
13.02.04 Karolis Klimka Vilnius: The cities surface: A politological and cultural analysis (EN)

Laboratory of Critical Urbanism
Contemporary Arts Study Center
Institute of Lithuanian History
Institute of Humanities, MRU
Curators: Felix Ackermann & Ervinas Korsunovas