ARCHITECTURE [books] FUND - Invites to read!

One of traditions of ARCHITECTURE [books] FUND is to collect books which are recommended by speakers. We are
giving them to National Art Gallery (NDG). After 7th discussion session, even the brightest architect would be pleased
with our book. So we are highly recommending you to visit NDG information center and enjoy these books:
01_A Rein Zobel „Tallinn (Reval) in the Middle Ages“, 2009.
01_B Haruki Murakami „KAFKA pakrantėje“, 2002.
01_C Viktor Buchli „An Archeology of Socialism“, 1998.
01_D John N. Gray „Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals“, 2004.
01_E Mikalojus Vilutis „Tortas“, 2007.
02_A Mart Kalm „Eesti XX sajandi arhitektuur / Estonian 20th C architecture“, 2002.
02_B Svetlana Boym „The Future of Nostalgia“, 2002.
02_C Claes Caldenby, Ola Wedebrunn „Living and dying in the urban modernity“, 2010.
02_D Fyodor Dostoevsky „White Nights (short story)“ (Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский "Белые ночи"), 1848.
02_E Neil Spiller „Visionary Architecture: Blueprints of the Modern Imagination“, 2007.
03_A Deyan Sudjic „The Edifice Complex. How the Rich and Powerful – and Their Architects – Shape the World“, 2006.
03_B Jorge Luis Borges „Fikcciones“, 1994.
03_C Kossmann.dejong „Engaging Spaces: Exhibition Design Explored“, 2010.
03_D Malcolm Miles „Cities and Cultures“, 2006.
03_E Aaron Betsky „Architecture must burn“ The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts“, 2000.
04_A J.G Ballard „The Drowned World“, 1962.
04_B Alberto Perez-Gomez „Built upon Love: Architectural Longing after Ethics and Aesthetics“, 2006.
Juri Soolep; Arkitektuurist, Artiklid, Essed ja koned; Tallinn; 2010; Eesti Kunsitakademia
04_C Albena Yaneva „The Making of a Building. A Pragmatist Approach to Architecture“, 2009.
04_D Kazys Varnelis „The Infrastructural City“, 2008.
04_E Michael Biggs, Henrik Karlsson „The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts“, 2010.
05_A_Urhahn Urban Design, „The Spontaneous City“, 2011.
05_B_B.Cope, N.Milerius, „P.S. Ландшафты: оптики городских исследований“, 2008.
05_C_Tiqqun, „Introduction to Civil War“, 2010.
05_DPhilipp Oswalt, „The shrinking Cities“ Part I, 2005.
Philipp Oswalt, „The shrinking Cities“ Part II, 2006.
Dovana: Philipp Oswalt, „Atlas of Shrinking Cities“, 2006.
05_E Vladas Drėma "Dingęs Vilnius", 1991.
06_A Michael Weinstock, „The Architecture of Emergence”, 2010.
06_B Stewart Brand, „How buildings learn. What happens after they’re built“, 1995.
Dovana: “Siiri Vallner” ir “New Estonian Architecture”
06_C Cecil Balmond, „Informal”, 2007.
06_D Raumlaborberlin, „acting in public“, 2008.
06_E Eduardo Torroja, „Razón y Ser de los Tipos Estructurales”, 1992.
07_A Hartmut Frank / Simone Hain “Two German Architectures 1949 – 1989”, 2004.
07_B Julija Reklaitė, Rūta Leitanaitė „Vilnius 1900-2012, Naujosios architektūros gidas”, 2011.
07_C Muthesius, Stefan; Glendinning, Miles “Tower Block: Modern Public Housing in England, Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland”, 1993.
07_D Rene Girard, „Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World”, 1987.
07_E Jean-Louis Cohen, Christina Lodder “Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915-1935”, 2011.
If you have any questions call Gintarė (+37062220114) or write to