Discussion with the public image of Lithuania developers: Arūnas Užupis, Jolanta Rimkutė, Saulius Valius, Agnė Selemonaitė - Courageous Lithuania
Three creative and inspiring figures from different disciplines and fields will participate in the discussion. With you and them we will discuss: what is the uniqueness of Lithuania? What brand of the country do we create? What image of Lithuania is translated abroad? How our representation is accepted worldwide? What determines image of the country abroad and what should that identity be? Discussion moderator - Ernestas Parulskis.
The talk is held on Thursday, 8.00 p.m. at the National Art Gallery (NDG), Konstitucijos av. 22, Vilnius.
Entrance is free of charge.

Jolanta Rimkutė - designer and founder of the projects Identity.lt and Migratory Birds, Saulius Valius - head of the Ekspobalta company and author of many Lithuania pavilions in the Expo exhibitions worldwide, Arūnas Užupis - member of the team Courageous Lithuania and Agnė Selemonaitė - the economic brand of Lithuania creator. They all create and represent Lithuania differently. In the discussion we will ask what image of the country and nation do they see and why?

In the performance artists try to express relation with the contemporary reality of Lithuania and search for answers to the questions: what are the dreams that young statistical Lithuanian has? What philosophy does he choose to start his life? Does he have conflicts with the surroundings? Is he proud of the Lithuanian society or is he ashamed of it?