Discussion with architects: Gintautas Natkevičius, Audrius Ambrasas, Gintaras Čaikauskas and Alvydas Šeibokas - The new architectural identities
The twenty years period of independence in Lithuania is covered with great architectural discoveries as well as with disappointing mistakes. In this lecture we will try to rethink and reconsider the situation of Lithuanian architecture after 1990‘s from the aspect of national identity. Four well-known architects will discuss and generalize the whole cycle.
Discussion moderators – Tomas Grunskis and Julija Reklaitė.
The talk is held on Thursday, 8.00 p.m. at the National Art Gallery (NDG), Konstitucijos av. 22, Vilnius.
Entrance is free of charge.

Lectures participants are architects, who graduated in the late Soviet times. They started to build new architecture, when Lithuania regained independence. The architects eventually have become one of the most influential artists, realizing significant objects and developing new architectural typologies.

At first glance, it may seem that during the period of independence, Lithuanian architecture evolved more than during the whole 20th century. In the future, this assumption might be confirmed or denied, but the truth is, that these twenty years were very significant for the country’s architecture. This book is the first attempt to gather knowledge, subjective opinions and experiences of what has happened in Lithuanian architecture during the period.