- Open House Worldwide Festival

Open House Worldwide (OHWW) is pleased to announce the full programme of the network’s first collaborative event on its relaunched and redesigned website and visual identity.
The festival will run as a non-stop 48 hour livestream, broadcast from the Open House Worldwide website, and features contributions from six continents and more than forty cities from the network and beyond.
The festival will begin at midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on Saturday November 14th, with an introduction by George Kafka, OHWW coordinator, and a digital gathering of representatives from different cities in the network. The rest of the festival is divided into one hour slots and organised into thematic clusters which seek to address the most important issues facing architecture and urbanism today.
Thematic Clusters
Highlights of the housing cluster include a presentation of Sonnwendviertel Ost, a cooperatively designed neighbourhood in Vienna, a focus on the urbanisation of informal neighbourhoods in southern Buenos Aires and a discussion on low-income housing in Lagos. In addition, a new documentary by the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), titled What it Takes to Make a Home, will be screened.
Infrastructure and Mobility
Green transport and 21st century masterplanning are central to the Infrastructure and Mobility clusters, with events looking into the adaptation of the Cerda expansion to the contemporary needs of Barcelona, a progressive take on the car park as typology and a walk through centuries of history at Palma’s harbour. A special event curated by Mexico City-based gallery, Proyector, features ten young architecture practices making visible the otherwise hidden infrastructural systems in our cities.
Climate in Crisis
In the age of Fridays for Future, Open House Worldwide is proud to centre the voices of young people in discussions on the climate crisis and architecture. Youth Manifesto!, a panel of 15-18-year-olds coordinated by Open House Dublin and filled via an open call, will hold the discipline of architecture to account. Other highlights of the Climate in Crisis clusters include an exploration of three European houses exhibiting novel approaches to designing with the climate in mind and an exploration of the Santa Catarina river in Monterrey.
The Social Life of Cities
The newest members of the Open House Worldwide network, Open House Taipei, open the social life clusters with an investigation into everyday life in the city during the Covid-19 pandemic, and Open House Seoul lead us in thinking about how our relationships to domestic spaces have changed under lockdown. Elsewhere, movements for urban social justice are highlighted in a discussion led by Open House New York and the meaning of an “Open City” is dissected through the lenses of gender and disability.
Public Spaces
Travel beyond your lockdowns with the Public Spaces clusters, exploring everything from Athenian street art to the Chicago riverside, via the City of London and the Sao Paulo work of Lina Bo Bardi. A special event curated by Julia King and Akil Scafe-Smith looks at the role of young people in shaping public spaces in London.
Heritage! and Worldwide Design
As with Open House events all over the world, the OHWW festival also celebrates wonderfully designed spaces and places. Gorgeous sets of films commissioned by Open House cities guide us through some of the architectural highlights of Dublin, Vilnius, Prague and more. In addition, a discussion hosted by Open House Brisbane focuses on the emerging vernacular architecture of Minjerribah island and the team at Open House Tallinn takes us to the hulking modernist ruin of the Linnahall, recently used as a major location in Chritopher Nolan’s Tenet.