Based on cooperation and a European study, taking into consideration the different phases of children development and how children, teenagers and young adults interact with their environment, the purpose is to present inspiring colours associations, in learning environments suitable with users needs.
The conversation is arranged in collaboration with VGTU Faculty of Architecture.
The talk is held on February 8th at the National Art Gallery (NDG), Konstitucijos av. 22, Vilnius.
Event starts at 8 p.m. Entrance is free of charge. Lecture will be held in English.

She is a graphic, industrial and colour designer and also guest lecturer at several design academies.She is in charge for already more than 20 years in the graphic and industrial design office Bruyninckx Designers in Antwerp (a family company founded in 1955). She and her team are specialized in trend studies and social behavior research, product & concept studies linked to design & colour, and all communication materials, connected with these studies and research.

A book recommended by Nathalie Denizot.
She has an enormous experience as a former founding Director of Education Environments for Steelcase Education, USA, so that's why her insights should be really useful.