Adriana Knouf - Noise
Sensing Urban Matter: Fantasies of Seamless Interoperability

This is the last event in the series of four weekly online talks Fantasies of Seamless Interoperability.
The talks are organized by the Future Architecture fellows – Hanna Husberg and Agata Marzecova (the art-science collaborative Towards Atmospheric Care), and explore how collective environmental and social imaginaries, hopes, and fantasies are shaped through invisible, yet material and very influential, infrastructure and novel ecosystems emerging at the nexus of political economy, communication technologies and the atmospheric medium in its role as a carrier of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Noise is both sonic and informatic. From information theoretic definitions that define noise as either the unwanted signal or the source of originality, to sonic definitions that foreground the destructive or constructive possibilities of noise music, noise evades easy categorization. Through an exploration of some of my own artistic practices, especially recent radio art work, as well as those of other allied artists, we will encounter the potentials of noise to disrupt the seemingly stable signal. This disruption cannot be easily valorized as something positive or negative, and instead needs to be understood in its full complexity.
The talk will take place online on October 6, 2021, at 19:00 EET (GMT +3).
Event LINK
Registration is not compulsory, but if you like to hear from us regarding this talks series, please register here: REGISTRATION
The series Fantasies of Seamless Interoperability is part of Architektūros fondas' programme Sensing Urban Matter, which takes place within the Future Architecture platform and European Architecture programme 2021, is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and a strategic partner Lithuanian Council for Culture. Media partner – Lithuanian national television and radio.
Adriana Knouf, PhD (US) works as an artist, writer, and xenologist. She engages with topics such as wet media, space art, satellites, radio transmission, non-human encounters, drone flight, queer and trans futurities, machine learning, the voice, and papermaking. She is the Founding Facilitator of the tranxxenolab, a nomadic artistic research laboratory that promotes entanglements among entities trans and xeno. Adriana regularly presents her artistic research around the world and beyond, including a work that has flown aboard the International Space Station. Her work has been recognized by a number of awards, including an Award of Distinction at Prix Ars Electronica (2021), an Honorary Mention from the Science Fiction Research Association’s Innovative Research Award, and as a prize winner in The Lake’s Works for Radio #4 (2020).