Darius Čaplinskas, Gintaras Kuginis, Lolita Jablonskienė - NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART

On 24 March in 2011the third excursion in the National gallery of Art was organized by ARCHITECTURE
[excursion]Fund. The first excursion in NDG was held on 13 January and attracted a huge attention of
the visitors. As the result, two extra excursions were organized – the second ( 17 February) and third (
24 March). The last excursion was guided by Lolita Jablonskienė – NDG director, art researcher, PhD of
Download: excursion map
Architecture as the expo space – other side of the “Architecture on Display’ was analyzed by “SHOW OFF*:
during the “Architecture on Display’ excursions. The authors of the routes creatively and extraordinary
presented well known expo spaces and also analyzed inaccessible, ‘invisible’ structural parts of the
museum. The idea of the excursion – is to drawn the community into a discussion about the museum itself as
a space influenced by many circumstances (themes, periods, needs, opportunities).
For information about possible repetitive excursions search in NDG educational center.
Excursions were guided by:
Darius Čaplinskas – author of reconstruction
Gintaras Kuginis – author of reconstruction
Lolita Jablonskienė – director of NDG
Duration of excursion:
approx. 60min
* Excursion was organized as the part of the ARCHITEKTŪROS [pokalbių] FONDO cycle 03 on
theme “SHOW OFF: Architecture on Display.