On the 28th May and 4th June, 2011, a double-route excursion „Modernism during the interwar period“ took
place in Kaunas.Excursions were guided by architects Jolita Kančienė and Vaidas Petrulis.
Although a shortage of buildings of different purposes was felt in Lithuania in 1920‘s, particularly in Kaunas,
the architecture developed slowly. The main reasons of this were backward industry and bad economic
status of the country. The greatest volume of all constructions went on in Kaunas, so one can notice all the
trends of Lithuanian pre-War architecture in the buildings of this town. The number of architects graduated
from European and Russian universities modelled the Lithuanian architecture. The architects found a clear
social commission in their Motherland: to create a distinctive Lithuanian architecture. This social commision
determined the predomination of eclectics and historicism in the architecture during the first decade of the
A distinctive place in the architecture of Lithuania of XX century take objects designed by V.Dubeneckis (first
building of modern aesthetic in Lithuania – Vytautas Magnus Culture Museum). In his articles Dubeneckis
stimulated the architects to derive new ideas from folk art not making imitations but artistically transforming
folk motifs to create a new quality. Among the objects of this style designed by the leaders of this trend
F.Vizbaras and S.Kudokas one can find quite modern buildings such as the Central Post Office, the Officers
Club. Together with the reinforcement of State economic and political system the desire for affilation to the
European modern art arose. Lithuanian architects created an original architectural parallel, the distinguished
feature of which was the fusion of ideas of Modern Movement and traditional features.
(prepared in accordance with M.Baužienė article, „Lithuanian monuments of modern movement“,
Vilnius „Savastis“ 1998)
Route by foot: download map.
Route by bicycle: download map.
Photo galeries:
May 28th
By bicycle
By foot, by foot 2
June 4th
By bicycle, by bicycle 2
By foot
Press writing: Kaunas day