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Jonas Piet, Yulia Kryazheva - A one-day excursion into your own process

JAN 2012

On 21th of January the Architecture [excursion] Fund is going conceptual, taking you on a trip to explore different areas of the [Architectural] Creation Process.


"As an architect you’re selling your process. Not a building. Not even the plans for the building, because they’re not there yet when a client approaches you. But how often do you take a step back to look at what you’re actually doing?

Join us on this one-day excursion into your own process. This unusual trip has been organised to explore different areas of the Architectural Process. On this journey we’ll map uncharted territories of our own ways of working that we come across. We’ll occasionally pause to reflect, to learn from others, and perhaps to take a picture. We’ll then look at how our maps could also be useful in other worlds, beyond the build environment."


While traveling you will:
– reflect on own practice.
– leam from other ways of working.
– get input for improving the way you work.
– practice communicating the value of what you do.


If you’re an architecture student, architecture teacher architect or designer related to architecture please send a page visualization of your own process.
Selection of 25 travelers. Deadline: 17th of January. Event is not free. Price up to 20 LT (will be defined after selection process).

Travel agent

As an independent design consultant, Jonas uses his design skills to bring insight into complex projects, to facilitate productive working with diverse groups of people, to make ideas tangible and to test them. In London, he worked with leading agencies Engine Service Design and Participle, after having ran his own studio from The Netherlands.

Jonas has designed products, interiors and services and has worked with several times with architects in Lithuania. He has worked for many different clients including The Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Vilnius Tourist Information, Vodafone R&D, Westminster City Council, and E on. In the last couple of years Jonas has trained professionals in Service Innovation methods in countries from the UK to Estonia. Jonas holds a MSc in Industrial Design Engineering.

Travel agent

Yulia is an architect and illustrator with a deep interest in social issues and people-oriented design approach on all levels: interface and graphic design, products and services, architectural and urban projects.

Next to her design work Yulia has taken part in non-commercial research & social initiatives: exploring the quality of neighborhoods, thinking up urban interventions (both in the Netherlands and Russia), developing an urban game for Istanbul together with The Responsive city, helping to organize a conference on Complexity Theories of Cities at TUDelft, collaborating with P2P Urbanism and BioUrbanism foundations on different issues and initiatives. Now she is focused on broadening her expertise in visual communication.

Recommended book

Designerly Ways of Knowing

Why the book is worth reading:
It has made me think about what it is that I’m doing when I’m designing. And it helps me to explain what design is good for.
