COLLECTIF ETC. Maxence Bohn, Benoit Poirier - Towards creative citizenship
Through the creation history of Collectif Etc, we will discussed about how young architects can be involved politically and socialy, closed to citizens concerned, creating new tools for urban dialogues.
The talks are held every Thursday, 8.00 p.m. at the National Art Gallery (NDG), Konstitucijos av. 22,Vilnius.
Entrance is free of charge.
The events are recorded and the videos are placed online at

Collectif etc is a group of young architects that work on the issue of civil society‘s autonomy in the transformation of their living environment. They think that everyone is able to be active in the making of the city. Physical space transformation is a tool collectif etc use and share to experiment and accompany self- managed urban situations.

How a book, written in the mid 70's, about housing, "a universal human activity", is so close today to give some answer for urban and architectural issues of our comtemporary society.