Pihla Meskanen - Architecture education for everyone!
Arkki provides architecture courses for children and youth, and wishes to light a spark in young people´s minds so that they want to influence and participate in the development of the built environment in the future, whatever their occupation is.
In this speech Pihla Meskanen will present Arkki educational program and real life participatory projects where children influence the environment.
The talks are held every Thursday, 8.00 p.m. at the National Art Gallery (NDG), Konstitucijos av. 22,Vilnius.
Entrance is free of charge.
The events are recorded and the videos are placed online at www.archfondas.lt.

Pihla Meskanen is an architect and one of the founding members of the Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth and the school’s headmaster since 20 years. Believing that citizens educated and engaged in architecture helps all of us make better decisions about the places in which we live, Meskanen has been active in the field of architecture education.

A classic of architectural theory, Interesting viewpoint to experiencing architecture and space. The book asks why, when there are five senses, has one single sense – sight – become so predominant in architectural culture and design? Pallasmaa argues that the suppression of the other four sensory realms has led to the overall impoverishment of our built environment.