Marco Vermeulen - The beauty of danger
Living in the Dutch Deltametropolis comes with water threats. Due to the climate change, these threats will only increase. In more than one way we can expect problems with water: from the sea, from the rivers, from the sky and from the ground. The effects of the rising of the sea level combined with heavy rainfall will directly have its effect on the rivers. Dense urban areas are trying to deal with heavier rainfall; the current sewage systems can not deal with the amounts of storm water. At the same time these threats offer opportunities for the Dutch water cities. The threat of water is a motive to take on some of the urgent themes within the city. Future perspectives will not just have to come up with solutions to the water problems, but also have to put forward opportunities for a more attractive urban environment.

Marco Vermeulen has graduated from Eindhoven University of Technology, and was a guest tutor at Delft University of Technology, Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Eindhoven University of Technology. From 2009 he leads Studio Marco Vermeulen, a Rotterdam based practice for architecture and urban design with a focus on closing cycles in the field of energy, water and raw materials. He is regularly involved in projects where climate change and water safety is linked to opportunities for spatial quality.

City and Port presents a study of nineteenth- and twentieth-century urban design and plan-development practices in four port cities: London, Barcelona, New York and Rotterdam. Han Meyer analyzes conditions for planning and the discipline‘s ability to design public areas that can play an intermediary role between networks of various scales.