The Baltic Pavilion
The Baltic Pavilion project is a reading of many definitions of the infrastructure’s relation to resources. The understanding of the built space as scripts inscribed into material assemblies allows to place architecture inside of transformative processes reshaping the region of the Baltic States. The joint exhibition representing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at 15th International Architecture Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia is a project re-assessing agency of architecture to participate in reshaping the built environment while going beyond national delineations and definitions of disciplines.
The talk at National Gallery of Art in Vilnius will explore resources, ideas, discourses, built projects, infrastructures, future projections presented at The Baltic Pavilion at Palasport Arsenale in Venice, exhibition is open to public May 28 – November 27, 2016.
The Baltic Pavilion is project by: Kārlis Bērziņš, Jurga Daubaraitė, Petras Išora, Ona Lozuraitytė, Niklāvs Paegle, Dagnija Smilga, Johan Tali, Laila Zariņa, Jonas Žukauskas.
Energy Island (2016)
The materiality of infrastructure space that relates to production and supply of energy resources in the Baltic States is explored through five material assemblies. The film is composed as sedimentary process reading through the layers of material space that is defining condition of the Baltic States as Energy Island within European Union. Tied to networks supplying energy resources from the east the Baltic States are currently altering their energy dependency by intervening into this inert material space by building new and dismantling old structures, changing existing networks with projects that synchronise efforts by all the countries in the region.
Director : Emilija Škarnulytė; Script : Emilija Škarnulytė and Jonas Žukauskas, Cinematographer: Eitvydas Doškus; Editor : Dominykas Kilčiauskas; Producer : Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė; Sound Composer : Arturas Bumšteinas; Sound Design: Jokūbas Čižikas; Camera Assistant : Jurgis Matulevičius; Sound Recordist: Sigitas Motoras; Sound Recordist : Julius Grigelionis; Production Company : Just a Moment
Locations: Litgrid AB, Geoterma, Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Lithuanian Museum of Geology, Klaipėda LNG FSRU Independence
Thanks to: Vilija Railaitė, Gabrielė Patriubavičiūtė, Sigitas Petrauskas, Natalja Lichodedova, Natalija Survila, Ina Daukšienė, Irma Pukinskaitė, Vytatutas Puronas, Orestas Gurevičius, The Baltic Pavilion, Cineskopė, Kinema
With the support by Lithuanian Film Center and Architecture Fund
Talk (in English) and screening of the film will take place on Tuesday, 5th, July in National Gallery of Art, Konstitucijos pr. 22, Vilnius; the film screening starts at 19:00, the talk starts at 20:00, the event is free.

Jurga Daubaraitė (LT) is a curator working with art and architecture projects; she received MA in Contemporary Art Theory from Goldsmiths in London. Dagnija Smilga (LV) is an architect and urbanist, associate director at Hosoya Schaefer Architects. Johan Tali (EE) is an architect and curator; he graduated from studio Hani Rashid at the University of Applied Arts Vienna after having previously studied architecture and urban planning at the Estonian Academy of Arts. Jonas Žukauskas (LT) is an architect and curator based in Vilnius; He received Diploma from Architectural Association School of Architecture in London in 2014, and also studied at London Metropolitan University and Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts.

This atlas is a gradient between two questions. The first: "what is possible?" is an inquiry into methods, resources and parameters that are defining space. The second: "what is possible to imagine?", responds to first with interpretations, fictional stories, analysis and reflections of ongoing processes and proposes future projections.
All texts are specially written for this publication. Parallel discourses are positioned next to each other - overlaid in an Atlas that works in range of different modes. It is a medium that unravels multiple ways of seeing the region of the Baltic States as intensification of networks, agendas and ideas relevant in a global scale.
Along with the Baltic Pavilion exhibition, this publication offers a sense of open ended ecology of practices, a forum on what is to come.