ARCHITECTURE FUND RECOMMENDS - Faculty of Architecture VGTU Invites to the Opening of ARCHITECTURAL WORKSHOPS and Public Lectures by Curators

On 1 September, 11 am Faculty of Architecture VGTU invites You to the Opening day of three autumn season Architectural workshops and public lectures by the curators.
For the third year in a row, the academic season of Faculty of Architecture VGTU starts with intensive 2-weeks module "Architectural workshop", in autumn 2016 introducing even three: "MODERN EDUCATIONAL SPACE", "PLAY EAST!" and "DIY RAPID IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP 1:1", led by curators from Germany and the Netherlands – Barbara Pampe, Vittoria Capresi, Carla Schwarz, Leonie Weber, Slavis Lew Poczebutas and Dolf Broekhuizen. This great occasion brings the opportunity on 1 of September to meet six curators and both German and Lithuanian architecture students of the workshops at the very start of intensive and creative process. After the welcome meetings in separate groups, the curators during the common kick-off conference will give short input lectures covering the topics related to the workshops: the shifting (re-)design approaches towards the indoor and outdoor spaces of school architecture; the overview of the design-build studio format combining the forces of architecture students and school community in the school outdoor spaces; the experience on context-aware instant DIY implementations by architecture students.
Public lectures by the curators of Architectural workshops:
1 September, 2016, 11am–1.30 pm, 3.10 auditorium., Faculty of Architecture (Trakų 1)
_ DOLF BROEKHUIZEN (Netherlands) / Unique or Uniform? Standardisation of School Buildings
_ BARBARA PAMPE, VITTORIA CAPRESI (Germany) / The Learn-Move-Play-Ground Projects
_ SLAVIS LEW POCZEBUTAS (Germany) / Experience with Architectural Workshops at Faculty of Architecture VGTU
Architectural Workshops
1-14 September, 2016
"MODERN EDUCATIONAL SPACE", curators – Architectural historian is great expert in the history of the Dutch Avant-garde architecture and school architecture in the Netherlands Dolf Broekhuizen (NL), Edita Riaubienė ir Liutauras Nekrošius (AF VGTU). In Lithuanian general education system mainly focuses on primary education and the higher secondary education, but the lower secondary education students (11-17 years old) are perceived as intermediate, transitional, the self-generating and self-existent part of education. But the learning outcomes of precisely this stage of education speaks low Lithuanian students' literacy results. There can be few reasons for such situation. It can be seen that this age pupils are going through quite complex physical and psycho-physiological situation, they experience the personality becoming period; but the problem is that the physical educational environment (school spaces) is not targets their specific needs. Therefore, the learning environment (and physical environment) should meet the specific needs of teenager, respond to its provisions and preferences, should stimulate the desire to know, to learn, communicate and collaborate. The aim of this architectural workshop is to provide the proposals on how the already existing school spaces (that was built at different times) can be adapted to meet the modern needs of teenagers education. The architecture students must generate ideas and submit project proposals how to transform the school space into attractive environment, that can stimulate teens' willingness to learn and to know, communicate and collaborate, where they can work individually and in small groups, where they do not feel stress, fear, where they can be active and motivated or just feel happy.
Supported by: Netherlands Embassy in Vilnius, Partners4Value.
"PLAY EAST!", International Summer School, curators – architects Barbara Pampe, Vittoria Capresi, Carla Schwarz, Leonie Weber (baladilab, DE), Indrė Ruseckaitė and Aistė Galaunytė (AF VGTU). The curators from Germany represen the team of architects baladilab. The team will adopt the experiences from Learn-Move-Play-Ground (LMPG) project that aimed at improving courtyards of public primary schools in Cairo, through a participatory process, which directly involved architecture and educational science students, children, teachers and other persons working at the schools. The Summer School in Vilnius aims at creating motivating and inspiring playgrounds in the yard of Catholic gymnasium VERSMĖ in Vilnius. The German and Lithuanian architecture students will work together with children, teachers, and parents to improve the quality of the schools’ outdoor spaces, designing and implementing together playing elements directly in the courtyard of the gymnasium. The Summer School will give students the possibility to develop their soft skills working in a cross-cultural group getting to know the way of working in the respective universities, to experience participatory planning processes and to realize 1:1 their own designs. On the other hand, the fact of involving children, teachers, and parents in the creative process, from the design to the implementation, will generate a new way to understand their surroundings, developing responsibility and motivating them to initialise further similar activities.
Contributed and supported by: Kūrybinių dirbtuvių rėmėjai ir bendradarbiai: DAAD, Goethe's Instiitutas, Partners4Value, Vilniaus statybininkų rengimo centras, Würth, Eituma, Caparol, AB „SKV“, tokių produktų kaip ARKO blokai, MITTO statybiniai mišiniai ir pan. ženklų atstovė.
"DIY RAPID IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP 1:1", curator – architect Slavis Lew Poczebutas (DE) and Eglė Navickienė (AF VGTU). In 2010–2015 Slavis Lew Poczebutas worked as project manager at OMA in Rotterdam, in 2016 started to run his own architectural office “Mekado” in Berlin. The main topic of this year autumn workshop is “DIY - Rapid Implementation 1:1”. The area of intervention will be the rear vehicle entrance of the faculty of Architecture. It is a workshop intended for the students to develop and implement ideas instantly and in scale 1:1. The aim of the workshop is to be a fully collaborative team effort, therefore each student is asked to perform and work within the entire team. Nevertheless, the performance and effort of each individual student will be evaluated independently throughout the workshop. Grades will be assessed twice during the intermediate and final presentation. All students of the workshop will be asked to collaboratively develop a series of simple design proposal for the refurbishment and aesthetic uplift of the rear entrance of the faculty of Architecture, so to create a more attractive and user-friendly experience of the entrance.
Supported by: Ministry of Education and Science
Lectures are held in English, starting at 11 am until 1.30 pm, 1 September at Faculty of Architecture VGTU, Trakų 1 (entrance from Pylimo street), in 3.10 auditorium. Lecture are public, open, no registration is required. On 14 September, late afternoon, the Opening of the results of all three workshops will take place in the courtyard of Faculty of Architecture, we will announce the precise time and program a week ahead.
If any questions:, +37067506605