„Architectural stops in Curonian Spit“ - workshop introduction

In recent years the activity of architect A. Zaviša Charity and Support Foundartion lead to a practical experiment – a pilot project with an aim of involving professionals form various fields from the first stages of the creative process, publicizing the process and shaping the public aesthetic sense to create unique small scale architectural works – bus stops, that reflect spirit of the Curonian Spit. Why bus stops ?
1. Public object
A bus stop is a small scale architecture element protecting from the atmosphere, ensuring comfortable transport waiting conditions. It is the point of acquaintance or farewell with a place, people are met and sent off, journeys are started or ended.
2. Highlighting the character of a place
At present the bus stop of the Curonian Spit do not reflect the uniqueness of the place's character. They are objects of mass production, which can be found in any Lithuanian or world city. However apart from their utilitarian function bus stops can become business cards of a place in the shape of quality unique small scale architecture objects, interpreting traditional values of place and its architecture, which are met by bus travelling locals and tourists.
3. Adaptability
The primary functions of waiting and protection from the elements can easily be supplemented, giving this public object new and unexpected cultural functions.
4. Complex project
The Curonian lagoon has six settlements: Smiltynė, Alksnynė, Juodkrantė, Pervalka, Preila and Nida. Distinctive, character reflecting bus stops are planned to populate every settlement.
More information about the project – www.archstotelės.lt
During the first meeting (2015 05 22) in Smiltynė architects - participants of the workshop (Aketuri architects, Ambrasas architects bureau, DO architects, Simona Klazlauskaitė and Aistė Aleksandrovienė, Vaiva Andriušytė) together with local community representatives visited Neringa's bus stops and got acquainted with their actualities and issues.
The second meeting will take place on the 22nd of June, 2015 from 5 to 7 pm in Contemporary art centre (Vokiečių str. 2, Vilnius). The participants of the workshop will present their first ideas – an overall vision of the stop route. Professionals from various fields will discuss the architects ideas.
Preliminary programme:
16:45 Registration
17:00 Project presentation. Foreword.
17.20 Stop route vision presentations
18.20 Insights and discussion
Organizer: Architect A.Zaviša Charity and Support Foundation
Partners: Všį Architecture fund, Lithuanian Council For Culture
Everyone is welcome to participate.