Book - Regeneration [and its Discontents]

The book ‘Regeneration [and its discontents]’ is a continuation and expansion of the discussion series of the same name. During the series (curated by Tautvydas Urbelis, Noah Brehmer and Miglė Babickaitė) the concept of ‘regeneration’ became a tool to explore multifaceted interaction between city, culture, art and politics. Resisting the temptation to reduce the city’s complexity into the binary opposition of ‘us’ vs ‘them’, specialists from different disciplines introduced strategies for activating positive urban and architectural development through art, aesthetics and sound. The talks and accompanying events showed that ‘regeneration’ escapes boundaries of one discipline and is a promising lens to think about different urban futures.
Inspired and guided by these efforts, the book ‘Regeneration [and its Discontents]’ expanded some of the key ideas of the talk series and looked towards the potential futures of speculative and real urban environments. The image of weeds breaking through concrete articulates the physicalisation of the will to transform in alien environments; to become new, to regenerate. ‘Regeneration [and its discontents]’ are all the collections of the intricate root systems that permeate the modern city, interacting with the material and immaterial (infa)structures. On different scales and from different angles, 6 authors embark on their own journeys through the city.
Book in digital format: PDF | EPUB
You can purchase the physical book in the bookstore Six Chairs Books in National Gallery of Art or by emailing us:
Curators: Tautvydas Urbelis ir Dovydas Laurinaitis
Coordinator: Aistė Liuka Jonynaitė
Project Manager: Greta Trapinkienė
Graphic Designer: Gaile Pranckunaite
Translations: Paulius Balčytis
Produced by: Architektūros fondas, Lithuanian Union of Architects, Architecture Centre
Funded by: Lithuanian Council for Culture, Architektūros fondas, Lithuanian Union of Architects and Architecture Centre
Printing house: Kopa
Many thanks to: Aistė Gaidilionytė