IVA 2012 - Presentation of competition to Lithuanian architecture students and workshop
November 4 (Friday) 10:00, at Contemporary Art Center (Vokiečių str. 2, Vilnius) international competition for students and a workshop were presented. Event time: 3 hours.
Architect Andrius Želnys presented competition and program "Daylight simulator DVIZ". Our goal - to promote daylight, fresh air and quality of life. International VELUX competition is being organized every two years. Latest, fifth, competition invites students to present ideas of sustainable future. We want to provoke curiosity of students and to encourage them to explore social, psychological and enviromental dimmensions.
We invite all interested students to participate. It is a great opportunity to make team of 3 and present your idea.
Everybody can try program DVIZ, it can be found for free at http://viz.velux.com/
Event is organized by "UAB VELUX Lietuva" and "Architecture fund". First of October registration for international competition „International VELUX award 2012“ started. Deadline for registration is 2012 m. March 1 d.