- Architektūros fondas among leading architecture organisations in Europe

During the last fifteen years, a new generation of architects emerged which was involved in and contributed to at least one of Architektūros fondas’ many activities. Among them were 23 talk series, Travelling Architecture Workshops for children, Open House Vilnius. Architektūros fondas was also commissioned to represent Lithuania at the Venice Biennial of architecture showcasing "Baltic Pavilion" in 2016 and "Swamp School" in 2018. After starting a number of changes in Lithuania, now Architektūros fondas is opening a new page and joins the Future Architecture platform as a new member. This membership in a network of leading architecture organisations in Europe opens up new opportunities to represent Lithuanian architecture in Europe, to create new international links among architects, researches and public, and to present emerging ideas of creatives from all over Europe.
Future Architecture platform members include Ljubljana Museum of Architecture and Art (MAO), MAXXI in Rome, The Lisbon Architecture Triennial, Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Oslo Architecture Triennale, Strelka and other organisations well known in Europe and worldwide. Together with these partners, Architektūros fondas will aim to expand activities in Lithuania and to build audiences while developing and presenting the programme "Building Narratives" in 2020. Architektūros fondas will work with ten emerging creatives from Future Architecture network and will invite them to join the annual activities.
This membership marks a Lithuanian architecture recognition, which demonstrates once again that ongoing architecture processes and accumulated experience in Lithuania are interesting for the whole of Europe. New international links will also contribute to architecture quality locally, and worldwide publicity of Lithuanian architecture.