Experiments’ Platform - Exhibition “What do we…?”

The exhibition will open on 5 November at 17:00.
The exhibition will run from 5-19 November 2022.
Venue - cultural centre SODAS 2123, Vitebsko str. 23, first floor hall.
Visiting hours:
Tuesday-Friday, 17.00-19.00.
Saturday 13.00-18.00.
Pre-registration: gabriele.cerniavskaja@archfondas.lt
About the Experiments’ Platform
This year's Experiments Platform programme invites you to delve into three questions: "What do we have?", "What do we need?" and "What do we want?", which open up three interconnecting pathways for the participants' research and the platform programme.
The first question "What do we need?" is an invitation to look at the present, to raise ecological and geopolitical awareness and to explore the functional and dysfunctional present. The second question "What do we need?" leads to actions that can be taken now for a better tomorrow. Finally, the question "What do we want?" leads to dreams of speculative futures, personal desires and sometimes self-centredness, moving away from the role of architect.
During the second cycle of the Experiments’ Platform, the 13 participants of the platform, with the help of mentors, developed their thoughts and alternative approaches to architectural practice in the context of these three questions.
The processes that took place during the Experiments’ Platform programme offered a complex process to the exhibition concept - an unexpected interaction with the boundaries of architecture and non-architecture, provoking thoughts and a starting point for future architectural topics. We invite you to take a look at moments from this process in the exhibition.
Participants in the exhibition:
Agnė Rubytė, Evelina Ąžuolaitytė, Oles Makukhin, Erik Vojevodin, Evelina Bartusevičiūtė, Magdalena Beliavska, Emilija Rakutienė, Lukas Jusas, Augustas Lapinskas, Kamilė Vasiliauskaitė. Aistė Gaidilionytė, Augusta Orlauskaitė, Ieva Julija Bagdonaitė.
Mentors of the Experimentation Platform:
Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop (Dénes Emil Ghyczy, Lukács Szederkényi), Millonaliu (Klodiana Millona, Yuan Chun Liu), Miodrag Kuč, Erika Henriksson.
Curator and architect of the exhibition - Gabrielle Černiavskaja.
Coordinator - Gabrielė Janilionytė.
Lighting - Justas Bø.
Architektūros fondas’ activities are financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. Media partner - Lithuanian National Radio and Television. Friends - Comfort Hotel LT.