Open Call - Architektūros fondas presents Experiments' Platform - a mentorship program for creative architectural ideas!

Experiments' Platform will present opportunities for aspiring architects and spatial practitioners by allowing them to foster creative ideas with the help from experienced mentors. If you want to propose a question or a topic, which you would like to engage in experimental practices and methods — Architektūros fondas invites you to join the program!
Experiments' Platform expands the architectural field, combining it with multidisciplinary practices and theories. It aspires to uncover the spatial practice limitations and fill in these gaps by turning to interdisciplinary practices. This program strives to rethink architecture from the ground up and discover new, unprecedented ways to explore topics that go beyond the fundamental knowledge in the discipline. Participants will be guided by the mentors who will help them with their research ideas, topics and spatial practice methods. Participants will get a chance to discuss their ideas, share experiences, and refine projects together.
Experiments' Platform will provide human and financial resources for the creators. There will be both individual and open discussions, during which the mentors will provide feedback. The program will last for 6 months, which will comprise monthly individual sessions with mentors as well as various other meetings with specialists and other participants on a regular basis. The program also includes reading sessions. Alongside that, participants will be granted access to SODAS 2123 Cultural Complex, meaning that they will get a chance to benefit from materials, tools and spaces in Architektūros fondas gallery.
Many international professionals will be joining the Experiments’ Platform for this program, including architects, artists, designers and researchers. Anna Kubelík - architect and artist,graduated from the Architectural Association in London before pursuing an artistic and experimental career with a base in Berlin. Her projects are defined by collaborative processes which intertwine scientific themes with dance, music, installations and kinetic art; Xenia Adjoubei - architect, Founder, Nikola-Lenivets Classroom, Director, AdjoubeiScottWhitby Studio. Leads projects in education and culture, curates research and education on the New Rural, how collective art sustains communities, new labour economies and the natural resources of the future; Michou-Nanon de Bruijn - senior designer at Studio Makkink & Bey, a teacher at Master's inside KABK and Academy of Architecture, works in different domains of applied art, where her interest lies in the relation between the private and public domain. Her critical research leads to product, interior, exhibition designs, future care visions and projects, events in the public domain; Jurgen Bey - a renowned designer, founder of Studio Makkink & Bey with Rianne Makkink, director of Sandberg Instituut since 2010, which looks for a way to align studies with the dynamic of modern day culture, issues of contemporary society such as vacancy, art and political spatial design; James Taylor-Foster, a writer, editor, cultural critic, who works with architecture, design, e-culture, and technology. Curator of contemporary architecture and design center in ArkDes. European Editor at Large for Arch Daily and Co-Curator for the exhibition of the 2016 Nordic Pavilion (representing Finland, Norway and Sweden) 2016 Venice Biennale.
Architektūros fondas invites all curious and motivated students, young professionals, and enthusiasts, who create in the context of Lithuania. Ideas can be presented by individuals or collectives, including up to 5 people. In order to apply, you need to formulate a research question that you want to develop further on this programme, lasting for six months. The Idea should be presented in up to two A4 pages, which could include a piece of writing, photographs, sketches, or any other form that best describes your project idea. You should also include a statement (up to 500 words), where you outline your previous experiences and motivations for the current idea that you aspire to pursue in this program. The idea presentation and motivational letter (in English) should be sent in a PDF format to The deadline is the 15th of April, and you will know whether your application was successful by the end of April. The Experiments' Platform 2021 will begin in May and commence in October.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us via email on
Eksperiments’ platform is implemented with the support of Architektūros fondas strategic partner – Lithuanian council for culture.