Claes Caldenby - Urban modernity Nordic-Baltic experiences Influences, Ideologies, Heritage
Large parts of our cities were built in the 1960s and 1970s according to internationally accepted principles of that time. Today many of these large mono-functional estates are problematic, both technically and socially. It is a challenge to our generations to develop this heritage into sustainable future cities.

Professor in theory and history of architecture. Editor of "Arkitektur", the Swedish Review of Architecture. PhD in Theory and History of architecture 1992, with a dissertation on collective housing in Sweden and the Soviet Union. Author and co-author of plenty of books and scientific publications on 20 C architecture.

This is the first attempt to try to give a comparative view of the five Nordic and the three Baltic countries' urban planning of the 1960s. Hopefully it is also a platform for further collaboration on this theme. The book was produced by the Nordic and Baltic docomomo chapters. (Book published in August 2010)