In 2014, a Latvian pavilion devoted to post-war soviet architecture was presented at Venice Architectural Biennale. The curators of the exhibition put forward a provocative question – is there any modernist architecture in Latvia, and noted that there are no acknowledged documentation, research and evaluation of post-war architecture. The exhibition has served as architectural database of the mentioned period and as an urge to consider the buildings for the list. What has changed since then and has heritage protection agencies acknowledged modern heritage? These questions will be discussed in a lecture by architect from Riga.

Uldis Luksevics is a fonder and architect of NRJA (No Rules, Just Architecture) office. The work of the team led by him is widely enlightened by architectural media. Their House of Ruins was announced by ArchDaily readers asthe winner building of the year 2009, in the category of houses. In 2013, the house 8 Blacks they designed was nominated for Mies van der Rohe award. In 2014, NRJA won the competition for the exhibition of Latvian pavilion at Venice Architectural Biennale by putting forward the idea of exposition as a continuous collection of modernist architecture.

Architecture is usually analyzed and taught as a discipline that articulates space and geometry, but the mental impact of architecture arises significantly from its image. Written by distinguished writer and architect Juhani Pallasmaa, this book examines at the image in culture; the nature of the image and imagination; and the specific characteristics of the artistic image, concluding with the architectural image.