Jonas Jakaitis - The peculiarities of the development of a participatory society in Lithuania in the context of spatial formation
A City’ Joints and Muscles: About the Links Between Architecture and Art
With regard to current trends in terms of the society becoming more democratic, the lecture will be aimed at discussing the discourse on the members of urban spatial formation and describing the principles of the participatory phenomenon. Participation in the process of urban spatial formation is understood and mostly identified by the public as the interests of territorial communities of city dwellers, seeking to improve not only the quality of life indexes but also the conditions for general well-being in the living environment. The lecture will feature a discussion on the issue of public engagement associated with understanding a still-insufficient but an increasingly relevant phenomenon, the public participation in the spatial formation of cities.
The talk will take place on October 18th in the National Gallery of Art, Konstitucijos ave. 22, Vilnius.
The talk will start at 20:00 and will be in Lithuanian. Event is free.

A certified architect/expert, Doctor of Arts, Professor and Head of the Department of Design at the Faculty of Architecture at VGTU; Director of the Institute of Architecture.
The author has published over 50 scientific publications on the subjects of urban and territorial city planning, public participation in the formation of urban architecture, landscape architecture and planning, harmonisation of material environment design in public spaces, the development of applied arts and industrial design. Jonas Jakaitis is a member of a number of scientific magazines editorial boards: Acta architecturae naturalis (Tallinn University of Technology) (Estonia) since 2011, Civil Engineering and Architecture (Horizon Research Publishing (HRPUB) (USA)) since 2013, International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (Academicians’ Research Center (India)) since 2016, “International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications” (Iran) since 2017.

The monograph reviews the peculiarities of the discourse on the members of urban spatial formation under conditions of modern democracy in the context of the administration of urban planning and problems with the quality of architectural/urban environments. The book analyses the outcomes of the interaction between cities and their communities as collectively acting participants, emphasising the exclusive features and power of architecture as a unique art form that not only integrates various economic, environmental, sociocultural and aesthetic aspects but also provides a backdrop for the every-day life of the society, affecting every single person.

Lithuanian Council for Culture