This lecture looks at the conditions for development of the contemporary Lithuanian architecture - Public Procurement System's relation with the art of architecture, which is held as hostage for the past 20 years...
The talk will be held in Lithuanian and will take place on November 23st in the National Gallery of Art, Konstitucijos ave. 22, Vilnius.
Starts at 20:00. Entrance is free.

Tomas Grunskis is an architect, the director of AEXN studio and the founder of independent gallery and platform for architectural culture and criticism ‘Nulinis Laipsnis’ (To the Power of Zero). Grunskis holds the PhD degree in humanities and works as a senior lecturer at Vilnius Academy of Arts and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. He is also the author and co-author of a number of scientific and educational books and other scientific publications.

At first glance, it may seem that during the period of independence, Lithuanian architecture evolved more than during the whole 20th century. In the future, this assumption might be confirmed or denied, but the truth is, that these twenty years were very significant for the country’s architecture. This book is the first attempt to gather knowledge, subjective opinions and experiences of what has happened in Lithuanian architecture during the period.