Prof. HARTMUT FRANK - Protecting 20th Century Architecture in Germany?
How to deal with the built environment of a country like Germany that faced so many political ruptures and new relations between architecture and politics? The German cultural debate is rich of significant and divergent concepts in dealing with the heritage of unbeloved historical periods that can be exemplary for similar debates abroad.

Speaker is internationally renown as curator of exhibitions on architecture and urban planning, author of many articles and books dealing with questions of architectural culture, and as lecturer and teacher at universities in different countries of Europe and the Americas.

This book accompnies an exhibition with a similar title and gives an excellent introduction to the problematic of an architectural heritage of controversial political and ideological connotation. Dealing with the case of the two German states between 1949 and 1989 it can be read as well as an example of modern architecture in Europe during the Cold War period.