Auguste van Oppen & Marc van Asseldonk - Open-Source Urbanism
THE CITY. Breakpoints
Over the past decades, end-users in Western Europe have been kept at a distance from the architectural product. This exclusion has ultimately led to the perversion of urban developments. 'Open-source' urbanism on the contrary envisions the inclusion of end-users. By taking use as a starting point, better cities can be made.

Marc van Asseldonk and August van Oppen are two partners of the studio O+A, a young architectural firm in Amsterdam. Winners of Europan 9, the firm is driven by the authentic city and it develops strategies & architecture with economic realism and an eye for mechanisms driving urban development.

Our talk may seem like we're preaching anarchy and the end of our profession, after all who needs a designer if end-users are at play? This book uses countless examples to demonstrate the contrary.

Ergolain - toolkit of furniture ideas realization.