Nowadays the perspective on urban space as economic capital is often so dominant, that the other aspects that produce urbanity - social and cultural capital - have vanished out of many neighborhoods. Even in abandoned areas, spqce and inhabitants can be seen as potential of the neighborhood. The space can be opened, and the inhabitants can be invited to use it - to reactivate the neighborhood to become more attractive and vital.
The talk is held on September 15th, Thursday, 7.00 p.m. at the Vytautas Magnus university (VMU), . Daukanto str., 28, Kaunas.
Entrance is free of charge.

The urban planner and architect started in 2005 a first agency for temporary use in Berlin Neukölln, the "Coopolis office for Cooperative Urban Development". Supplies succeeded to re-urbanize poor multicultural area that was stigmatized of empty shops, youth criminality and social problems. In cooperation with the local property owners Coopolis settled more than 150 new social and cultural projects and creative industry startups.

A huge range of worldwide examples for urban revitalizing strategies collected by a Dutch team of authors that invited artist, architects, urban planners, social workers etc. to add their experiences to this collection of best practices.