„Postcards from Kaunas“ - Photography workshop for children

Architecture [children] Fund invites children and their parents to the photography workshop „Postcards from Kaunas“, on October 27 (Sunday).
Participation is free of charge. Please bring the camera or the phone with built-in camera and internet for transferring photos to the computer.
The main aim of the workshop is to foster environmental consciousness and to draw attention to the surroundings, city and architecture. Children will take photos of the city according to one of the six themes:
1) water and the city,
2) silhouettes,
3) constructions,
4) surfaces and materials,
5) scale,
6) entrances.
All the photos will be printed as postcards and will become part of the instant exhibition at the venue of the workshop. After the event all the postcards will be sent to the addresses written by the children.
Location: shopping centre Akropolis, Kaunas, the main (Griunvaldo) entrance.
Time: Sunday (10.27), from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The photography workshop by the “Architecture [children] fund” for the first time was organized in London, during the “Archikids” festival. More information about the process and the results:http://archfondas.lt/lt/vaiku/irasas/architekturos-vaiku-fondas-archikids-festivalyje
Many thanks for Kaunas "Akropolis" for providing the venue for the event!