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Travelling Architecture Workshop - Children from 16 Lithuanian villages with the help of the architects will improve their living enviroment

APR 2013

Architecture [Children] Fund is organizing an educational project Travelling Architecture Workshop in the summer of 2013. The project will be will take place in 16 Lithuanian towns and rural communities. The selected places are:  Alsėdžiai, Dūkštas, Kalviai, Miegėnai, Krokialaukis, Milašaičiai, Nemunėlio Radviliškis, Pagiriai, Palonai, Panemunėlio geležinkelio stotis, Skirsnemunė, Teneniai, Viečiūnai, Višakio Rūda, Žadeikoniai, Želva. In each of them there will be held a workshop of three days duration during which architects and other proffesionals will help children to find ways how to improve their local public space and to implement them in practice.



"When we found out that the online competition application was completed by more than 80 communities we were genuinely surprised by such the activity " - says one of the project volunteers Mantas Timaitis. So far, Architecture [Children ] Fund has already organized various workshops in National Gallery of Art and in schools in various cities of Lithuania. "While doing this we have noticed a growing interest in our activities. We have received a lot of invitations to come to the schools, communities that is why we decided to implement a bigger project - Travelling Architecture Workshop which would educate children and communities about public spaces and quality of living enviroment." - says another volunteer Aurelija Šlapikaitė .




To participate in the project communities had to fill in the online form. Selection of the villages for workshop was done by the project's organizers according these three criteria: the size of the town and the population (priority - small towns and villages), children and youth busyness (priority - a small amount of activities for children and young people), geographic distance from major cities and other towns, villages (priority - small towns in remote areas of Lithuania ).




The project organized by young volunteers of Architecture [Children] Fund will be held in July - August 2013. Its goal - to encourage young members of the community (children and youth) to become active creators of their environment. Each of the 16 towns will be visited by several volunteers during the 2-3 day long workshop. A project for public space will be created and implemented on the spot together with children. The object would enrich a free time of a small town community and encourage the continuation of the project. The results of the workshop would be presented presentation for community and iscussed with children.  


Architecture [Children ] Fund - is active group of vollunteers operating already the third year. The initiative develops and implements educational crative programs and workshops for children about architecture and enviroment. It consists of a group of young architects, architectural students and teachers. The main aim is to raise the awereness of surrounding environment, to encourage creativity and personal responsibility. 


"Travelling Architecture Workshop" - the first large scale project organized by "Architecture [Children] Fund, which will take place during the summer holidays. It aims to draw communities attention to the public everyday human environment. The project seeks to demonstrate that taking care of the environment making real changes can be done without a lot of material and human resources.
